Join us

BBQ 1Galley 4IMG-20230816-WA0002 (1)

Why Join Us?

a) Kayak and canoe paddling takes place in a challenging environment. We have coaches trained to manage the risks and make a challenging activity great fun.

b) Our coaches have many years of coaching experience and can train you to almost any level of paddling you wish.

c) Its great fun, good socially, excellent exercise and being on the river is a brilliant stress buster.

We have such a wonderful river right on our door step. Experiencing it from a kayak or canoe is truly magical.

How to Join Us?

We welcome new members at any time of year, but tend not to take beginners out onto the river until towards the end of April when the evenings are getting light again. Our membership year actually runs from the beginning of April to the end of March, but if you join us during the winter period, we will extend your membership for the following year as well, so you will always get a whole summer season in your first 'year's' subscription.

We have a number of classes of membership, which are described on the membership form linked below. If you choose a family membership, please fill in a form for each member of the family - we request this as we are expected to send an annual return to British Canoeing that requires details of all members. Also, if we know what people are interested in developing, we can use this information when planning our courses.

After completing the form, you need to pay your subscription by bank transfer. Our bank details are on the membership form, below. The current subscription charges are set out here.

All members are added to the club email list and will then receive regular updates regarding the programme, pool sessions etc. from the club. Please make sure your email address is written clearly on the form, as if this is wrong, you will miss out on these regular mail shots. If you are not getting these emails, please contact us.

Online DCC membership form

If you require a paper copy of the membership form, or have any questions about membership, please contact the club at:

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